Drop The Shoulder

This is probably the most effective technique to dribble. Similar to the ‘side-step’ in Rugby or if playing chasing with your friends.

Step 1 - approach the defender

Step 2 - (reverse this if you’re left footed) : plant your left leg outside the ball.

Step 3 - get used to bending your left leg a lot and putting a lot of weight on that leg. The more you do this, the more you sell the defender the wrong way (Lightbulb moment).

Step 4 - then get used to springing off of it and taking the ball with your outstep the opposite way.

Pitfall!! Players rush this technique and only do ‘half’ of Step 3. It doesn't work then as we haven’t yet made the defender lean to one side.

Note: The real challenge here is getting the timing right. Only practicing against real defenders will improve this. However, the cones will help players visualize the defender and body dynamics needed.

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